OAJW - Jawand airport
OAJW stands for Jawand airport
Here you will find, what does OAJW stand for in Regional Airport Code under Regional category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Jawand airport? Jawand airport can be abbreviated as OAJW What does OAJW stand for? OAJW stands for Jawand airport. What does Jawand airport mean?Jawand airport is an expansion of OAJW
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Alternative definitions of OAJW
View 2 other definitions of OAJW on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- OAJS Jabul Saraj airport
- OAJL Jalalabad airport
- OAHR Herat airport
- OAHN Khwahan airport
- OAHJ Hajigak airport
- OAHE Harzat Eman airport
- OAGZ Gardez airport
- OAGS Gasar airport
- OAGN Ghazni airport
- OAGM Ghelmeen airport
- OAGL Gulistan airport
- OAGD Gader airport
- OAGA Ghaziabad airport
- OAFZ Faizabad airport
- OAFR Farah airport
- OAFG Khost-O-Fering airport
- OAEQ Islam Qala airport
- OAEM Eshkashem airport
- OAEK Keshim airport
- OADZ Darwaz airport